Technology available for transfer

Argemone Oil Adulteration Detection Kit


Consumption of mustard oil adulterated with Argemone Mexicana oil is known to cause an epidemic popularly referred to as Dropsy. Several outbreaks have been reported in the past. The dropsy incidence at Delhi in August 1998 appears to be the largest reported in the country involving over 2500 victims with more than 60 deaths. Read More...

Oneer: An Electronic device for drinking water disinfection

The device is based on the principle of anodic oxidation. The device is particularly useful for the treatment of drinking water supplies that have microbial contamination to disinfect pathogenic microorganisms and to provide safe drinking water to communities as per National and International standards [World Health Organization (WHO) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) USA] prescribed for potable water. This has high disinfection efficiency of >8 Log reduction of bacteria (E coli) and is maintenance-free. It is a low-cost water disinfection device that can even treat brackish or turbid water unlike UV technology. Cost of treated water is less than 1 paisa per litre. Domestic device can supply 10 litres of water for homes and small establishments while the online version can supply 450 litres of safe water for communities.

Oneer for communities

Oneer for homes and small establishments

Mobile Laboratory Van

An air conditioned Mobile water testing laboratory has been developed and patented by CSIR-IITR (Indian Patent number 177443) for the analysis of pollutants and pathogens in potable water samples in remote villages. This was used extensively for the survey of country wide water quality monitoring. The laboratory van is now being redesigned to be used for air, water and soil quality along with preliminary health examination of masses and associated diagnostics. This can also be used for awareness programme among rural population. In the absence of electric supply, may be operated by a generator, inverter or solar energy.

MO Check Strip

A handy, quick, easy and affordable spot adulteration test paper strip (MO Check) coated with chemicals has been developed by CSIR-IITR to monitor the adulteration of mustard oil with Butter Yellow with detection limit of 0.001% (10 ppm). A drop of the test oil is placed on the strip and the resultant color compared with a color comparator chart to know the extent of adulteration, if any.

Model of Alzheimer's disease (AD)

A "Model of Alzheimer's disease (AD)" features a non-transgenic rat model for early AD, using a metal mixture of As, Cd and Pb, characterized by enhanced synergistic amyloidogenicity in rat cortex and hippocampus. This model can serve as a tool for (a) AD-directed drug screening, and (b) determining mechanism of AD pathogenicity. It features induction of the Abeta-mediated apoptosis and induction of inflammation in rodent brain. The invention features novel astrocyte and neuronal cellular models for AD, using a metal mixture of As, Cd and Pb, characterized by enhanced synergistic amyloidogenicity. This model can serve as a tool for (a) AD-directed drug screening in astrocytes and neurons, and (b) determining mechanism of AD pathogenicity in cells. It features induction of the Abeta-mediated apoptosis and induction of inflammation in astrocytes and neurons.

Twin-window Slides

Circular Electrophoresis

For further details, please contact:
The Director
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Vishvigyan Bhavan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Lucknow - 226 001, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Phone (Director's Office): +91-522-2621856, 2628227
Phone (EPBAX): +91-522-2217497
Fax : +91-522-2628227
Email: director[at]iitrindia[dot]org
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