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Director's Desk

The Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC) - dream of the visionary founder Director Prof. Sibte Hasan Zaidi - became a reality on 4th November 1965. Prof. Zaidi could foresee the need to address health related work environment of the industrial workers in post-independence era of rapid industrialization in the country. ITRC gained national importance by addressing the health problems of our industrial work force in a growing economy.
The Centre was rechristened and dedicated to the nation as CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (CSIR-IITR) on 1st February 2008. The Institute endeavours to undertake research activities in new frontiers of toxicology considering the paradigm shifts in our understanding of human and environmental health. Currently, CSIR-IITR is a stakeholder driven GLOCAL centre of

excellence in toxicological research that aims to provide implementable solutions for assessing & improving human, animal and environmental health with preventive and analytical tools along with scientific evidences to frame policies that are affordable, accessible and available to all stakeholders. CSIR-IITR is a leader in translational toxicological research, risk analysis and provides analytical services for the nation. The Institute assesses, analyses and provides mitigation measures & human resources to solve issues of human, animal, aquatic and environmental health including food safety. The ultimate aim is to envision an Institute which every IITRian takes pride in contributing with his/her full potential using one’s own inherent intelligence and leadership to deliver outstanding research & services.

CSIR-IITR, as a world class institute, will ensure that various stakeholders of the nation (academicians, researchers, industries, policy makers, farmers) and other collaborating nations shall be benefited through translational research in toxicology which would provide analytical support and analysis tools that result in ensuring productivity across sectors by providing sustainable solutions.

As the leader of team IITR, I would welcome any collaborations and funding arrangements with national and international bodies and regulatory agencies for a sustainable research, technology development and policy formulation. The Institute believes in elevating Research and Development (R&D) to Research for Development or R4D [i.e, Research, Develop (after discussion with stakeholders), Demonstrate, Deliver and Digitize], in order to ensure self-sustainable research initiatives and activities, without compromising the respect, integrity and mark of excellence that CSIR and IITR command in global science & technology arena.

To quote from Jim Sorensen, a famed athlete – “A vision without action is called a daydream; but then again, action without a vision is called a nightmare (sic)”. CSIR-IITR believes in an action with a vision and mission that fulfils the mandate given to the Institute by the CSIR to serve the nation in particular and the society at large.

I welcome you all to explore our Institute website that endeavours to provide a reflection of our mission in the new millennium.

Jai hind!

Dr. Bhaskar Narayan

Director, CSIR-IITR