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Dr Mukul Das
  • Served as:
    • Chairman, Food Additives Sectional Committee (FAD: 8), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
    • Expert Scientific Panel Member on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), New Delhi.
  • Editorial Board Members:
    • ToxicologyMechanisms and Methods
    • Journal of Biophysical Chemistry
    • Journal of Environment Protection
    • Journal of Toxicology
    • Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Reviews
    • International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
    • World Journal of Methodology Prudence
    • Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
    • The Open Biochemistry Journal

Dr Poonam Kakkar
  • Chairperson of a committee for sanction of conferences/workshops at UP State Council of higher education.
  • Appointed as academic editor of PLOS ONE journal.
  • Served as Expert, committee member, Life Sciences of DST women scientist scheme (WOS-A).

Dr Yogeshwer Shukla
  • Elected as General Secretary of Indian Association for Cancer Research.
  • Member Editorial Board:
    • Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology
    • Cancer Letters
    • Proteomics
    • Journal of Proteomics
    • Journal of Proteomics and Bioinformatics

Dr D KarChowdhuri
  • Elected as fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology, India.

Dr Devendra Parmar
  • Member, Faculty of Life Sciences under statute 20(3) (viii) of Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
  • Member, CDRI-JNU Academic committee.
  • Member, Governing Board, Biomedical Genomics Centre (BMGC), Kolkata.
  • Expert, Radiation and Environment Sub-committee, BRNS, BARC, Mumbai

Prof. Ram Chandra
  • Elected member of Board of Governors of The Biotech Research Society, India.
  • Executive member of Central Council of Association of Microbiologists of India (AMI), India
  • Expert member UP Higher Educational Board for Sanction of National and International Conference.
  • Nominated member of Advisory (Expert) Committee for Young Scientist Scheme CST, U.P.

Dr V.P. Sharma
  • Awarded "Healthcare Excellence Award" by the Indus Foundation In. USA during lndo Global healthcare Summit and Expo 2015 at Hyderabad.

Dr M.K.R. Mudiam
  • Appointed as Academic Editor for PloS ONE journal.

Dr Ravi Ram Kristipati
  • Received the SERB travel award under the International travel support (ITS) scheme of Science and Education Research Board (SERB), New Delhi in June 2014.

Dr Rajnish Chaturvedi
  • Received prestigious NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Award 2015.
  • Appointed Editorial Board Member of following journals:
    • Evidence based complementary and alternative medicine (Hindawi press)
    • Neural Plasticity (Hindawi press)
    • BioMed Research International (Hindawi press)
    • Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (Elsevier press)
    • International Journal of Neuropathology

Dr Kausar Mahmood Ansari
  • Elected: Full member, Society ofToxicology, USA.
  • Appointed Academic editor for Plose ONE journal.

Dr Sheelendra Pratap Singh
  • Received "YOUNG MASS SPECTROMETRIST 2014" Award in recognition of the excellent contributions in the field of Mass Spectrometry from Indian Society for Mass Spectrometry.
  • Invited as an Expert for brain storming session on "Blending Ayurveda With Modern Science and Reverse Pharmacology" during 9th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress (USSTC).

Dr Anurag Tripathi
  • Editorial board member of following journals:
    • Journal of Immunology and Serum
    • Biology SM Journal of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine
    • Journal ofToxicology and Forensic Cases

Mr RatnakarTiwari
  • Received the NIEHS student travel award to participate in 4th Asian Conference on Environmental Mutagens, at CSIR-lndian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, December 10-12, 2014.

Mr S.K. Amar
  • Received best poster award SFE-INDIA 2014 for his paper during National conference on Ethnopharmacology and Biotechnology in Drug Development: Prospect and challenges, November 14-l5, 2014; Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

Dr Shashi Kant Tiwari
  • Received the INSA MEDAL for Young Scientists-2015, in the field of Health Sciences.

Ms Swati Agarwal
  • Received best Oral Presentation Award for Young Scientist during National Conference on Ethnopharmacology and Biotechnology in Drug Development: Prospects and challenges, November 14-15, 2014 at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
Dr Mukul Das
  • Served as:
    • Chairman, Food Additives Sectional Committee (FAD: 8), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
    • Expert Scientific Panel Member on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), New Delhi.
  • Invited as a Chief Guest to inaugurate the DST-PURSE seminar at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Dec. 16, 2013.
  • Appointed Editorial Board Member of the Open Biochemistry Journal.
Dr Poonam Kakkar
  • Elected Fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology (2013).
  • Received Outstanding woman achiever award in the field of science (Academics) from Lucknow Management Association, a constituent body of All India Management Association (2014).
  • Appointed member of the Institutional Ethics Committee of Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (2013).
Dr Yogeshwer Shukla
  • Elected as General Secretary Indian Association for Cancer Research (2014-16).
Dr Vinay K. Khanna
  • Elected Fellow of the Society of Toxicology (India) in 2013.
Dr V.P. Sharma
  • Served as Expert Member in the Plastics Sectional Committee PCD 12 and PCD 21 of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi.
Dr A.B. Pant
  • Served as chairman, 'Ethical Clearance Committee for Stem Cell Research' at Dr Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (UP).
  • Elected Fellow of Indian Academy of Neurosciences (2013).
  • Elected Fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology (2014).
  • Received AEB Gold Medal-2013 for Meritorious Service from Academy of Environmental Biology.
  • Upgraded from Inspector to Lead Inspector of GLP by National GLP Compliance Monitoring Authority of India, DST, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi.
Dr Rajnish Chaturvedi
  • Received Lady Tata Memorial Young Scientist Award-2014 in the field of Biomedical Sciences
  • Appointed Editorial Board Member of : (a) Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, (b) International Journal of Neuropathology.
Mr Pranay Srivastava
  • Received Travel Award for presenting the paper entitled "Deciphering the molecular mechanisms of neuroprotective efficacy of curcumin in arsenic induced brain dopaminergic alterations in rats" at XX World Congress on Parkinson's and Related Disorder, Geneva, Switzerland, December 8-11, 2013.
Dr K.C. Gupta
  • Received AEB Honor Award during satellite symposium of Academy of Environmental Biology on "Sustainable development and environment" held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow.
  • Received awards for three papers out of the five highest impact factor publications by CSIR-IITR (2012).
Dr Mukul Das
  • Appointed Editorial board member of jounals: (a) International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, (b) World Journal of Methodology, (c) Prudence Journal of Biochemistry & Biotechnology
  • Delivered the 13th Alumni Oration of Alumni Association of Department of Biochemistry (AADB), University of Lucknow, Lucknow, March 16, 2013.
Dr P. Kakkar
  • Awarded by CSIR-NISCAIR and IITR for being the author of highest cited paper in the 70 years history of CSIR (2012). This is the only paper amongst 38 papers with more than 1000 citations published by an Indian author in an Indian Journal.
  • Elected Fellow of the Society of Toxicology (STOX), India (2012).
  • Appointed by DST as member of the Subject expert committee of Life Sciences for Women Scientist Scheme: WOS-A (2013-16). " Elected executive council member of Society for Free Radical Research - India.
Dr D. Kar Chowdhuri
  • Elected General Secretary (Executive Council), Indian Society of Cell Biology (ISCB) for the period 2012-13.
Dr Kr. P. Singh
  • Served as member of the CSIR HRDG Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (2011-2114).
  • Appointed member: State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), UP (2011-2014).
  • Two research papers listed under TOP (leading) 35 research papers published by CSIR during last 70 years (1942-2012).
Dr Iqbal Ahmad
  • Elected Fellow of Academy of Environmental Biology, India (2012).
  • Awarded medal for one amongst five highest impact publications of CSIR-IITR on November 4, 2012.
  • Served as Member, Editorial Board for the journals: (a) American journal of cancer therapy and pharmacology, (b) BioMed Research International, (c) Trends in Life Sciences, (d) Chinese Journal of Cancer Research.
Dr Alok Dhawan
  • Elected, Fellow, Gujarat Academy of Sciences, India, 2013.
  • Awarded VLife Sciences Best Publication Award 2013 - for the paper entitled "Mechanism of Inhibition of the ATPase Domain of Human Topoisomerase IIa by 1,4-Benzoquinone, 1,2-Naphthoquinone, 1,4-Naphthoquinone, and 9,10-Phenanthroquinone".
  • Served as Member, Editorial Board of the journals: (a) Mutagenesis, published by the Oxford University Press, UK., (b) Mutation Research Reviews, published by Elsevier, USA, (c) Guest Editor for a Special Issue on Nanotechnology of the journal, 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Section B: Biological Sciences', Volume 82 Supplement 1, October 2012.
Dr Premendra D. Dwivedi
  • Served as " Expert Scientific Panel Member on Nutraceuticals, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), New Delhi.
  • Editorial board member of the journals: (a) GM crops, (b) International Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, (c) International Journal of Biotechnology.
Dr N. Manickam
  • Appointed member of Special Task Force on "Bioremediation Technologies" under Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
Dr M.K.R. Mudiam
  • Received Young Scientist Award for Best Oral Presentation (above 30 years category) for the paper entitled "Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry based metabolomic approach for optimization and evaluation of earthworm sub-lethal responses to carbofuran" at International Conference on Environmental Impact on Human Health and Therapeutic Challenges (ICEHT-2012) and 6th Annual Convention of Association of Biotechnology and Pharmacy (ABAP) held at Department of Virology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati during 20-22 December, 2012.
Dr Rajnish Chaturvedi
  • Received NASI-Young Scientist Platinum Jubilee Award-2013, in the field of Bio-medical, Molecular Biology and Bio-technology.
  • Conferred with Gauri Ganguly Memorial Young Scientist Award-2012 of Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata.
  • Appointed as Editorial Board Member of the journals: (a) Evidence based complementary and alternative medicine (Hindawi press), (b) Neural Plasticity (Hindawi press), (c) BioMed Research International (Hindawi press), (d) Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (Elsevier press).
Dr Lipika Ray
  • Received "Young scientist award" for her presentation entitled "Enhanced targeted anticancer activity of doxorubicin in Ehrlich's ascites tumors by Green tea polyphenol" in XXXII Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (STOX -2012) held in between December 05-07, 2012 at Lucknow.
  • Won IIT Bombay Best Research Paper Award on December 2012 for the paper entitled "Palladium(II) and gold(I) complexes of a new O-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene ligand: synthesis, structures and catalytic application" Organometallics 2007, 26, 958-964.
Mr Sandeep Mittal
  • Received the best poster award for his paper "Induction of oxidative stress and DNA damage due to Cerium Oxide nanoparticles leads to mitochondria mediated apoptosis in human lung alveolar cell line" presented at "Nanotoxicology 2012 - The 6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology". September 4-7, 2012, Beijing, China.
Mr. Arvind Shukla
  • Awarded Prof. A.S. Mukherjee Memorial Award for the best platform presentation entitled "Drosophila mth mutant resists paraquat induced Parkinsons' like symptoms" during XXXVI All India Cell Biology Conference & International Symposium on Stress Adaptive Response and Genome Integrity (SARGI) held at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai from October 17-19, 2012.
Ms Gulshan Singh
  • Received Best Poster Presentation Award at The XXXII Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology, India (STOX), held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow during December 5-7, 2012.
Mr Amit Kumar
  • Srivastava Received the "Young scientist award" for his paper entitled "Evaluation of cytotoxicity and genotpxicity in mancozeb exposed agricultural workers" coauthored with Sanjay Mishra, Wahid Ali, Yogeshwer Shukla in XXXII Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (STOX -2012) held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow during December 5-7, 2012.
Mr Shankar Suman
  • Received the "Best Poster award" for the poster entitled "Proteome profiling of North Indian breast cancer patients towards development of panel of Biomarkers" in XXXII Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (STOX -2012) held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow during December 5-7, 2012.
Ms Sakshi Mishra
  • Received the best poster presentation award for the poster entitled "Deoxynivalenol dermal cell proliferation via modulation of mitogen activated protein kinase pathway in mice" in XXXII Annual Meeting of Society of Toxicology (STOX -2012) held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow during December 5-7 , 2012.
  • She also received best poster award for her paper entitled "Role of reactive oxygen species in Deoxynivalenol induced oxidative stress and DNA damage in human keratinocytes" in the International Conference on Advances in Free Radicals, Redox Signaling & Translational Antioxidant Research (SFRR - STAR 2013) held at CSIR-IITR, Lucknow during Jan 30 - Feb 01, 2013.
Ms Fatima Rizvi
  • Received "Young Scientist award" for her work entitled, "Akt and Fin kinase influence nuclear translocation of Nrf2 and its regulated cellular antioxidant and detoxification system" during the International conference on Advances in Free Radicals, Redox Signaling and Translational antioxidant research (SFRR STAR 2013) , Jan 30-Feb 01, 2013.
Ms Shruti Singh
  • Received the best poster award for her paper entitled," p21 protects against oxidative stress by upregulating Nrf2 signaling pathway: confirmation of in vitro findings by in silico docking" during the International conference on Advances in Free Radicals, Redox Signaling and Translational antioxidant research (SFRR STAR 2013), Jan 30-Feb 01, 2013.

Dr K.C. Gupta  

  • Member, Central Research Council, the highest Research Advisory body of Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Lucknow.

  • Member, Research Council, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur.

  • Member, Research Council, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh.

  • Member, Management Council, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow.

  • Member, Management Council, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow.

  • Guest Editor: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: Biological Sciences, Vol 82(Suppl.1), 2012.

Dr Mukul Das 

  • Served as Chairman, Food Additives Sectional Committee (FAD: 8), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

  • Served as Expert Scientific Panel Member on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in Contact with Food, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), New Delhi.

  • Editorial board member of Journals: Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, Journal of Biophysical Chemistry, Journal of Environment Protection, Journal of Toxicology Biotechnology & Molecular Biology Reviews.

Dr Poonam Kakkar 

  • Appointed member of the Institutional Ethics Committee of Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow.

  • Received INSA Bilateral exchange of senior scientist fellowship (2012) to visit Germany.

  • Invited by DST to serve on Subject expert committee of Life Sciences to evaluate Women Scientist Scheme projects (2012).

Dr Kr. P. Singh 

  • Member of the CSIR HRDG Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (2011-2014). 

  • Member, State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (SEIAA), UP (2011-2014).

Dr Yogeshwer Shukla 

  • Elected as Fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology (AEB), 2011.

  • Editorial Board Member of Toxicology & Applied Pharmacology (Elsevier).

  • Elected Council Member of Proteomics Society of India.

Dr D. Kar Chowdhuri 

  • Resource person for DST-INSPIRE Programme from 2011-till date. 

  • Elected as the member of editorial board of Ecotoxicology (Springer Verlag).

Dr Krishna Gopal 

  • Guest of Honour 2011 on the occasion of Earth Day celebrations at Dr.R.M.L. Avadh University, Faizabad.

  • Nominated as Member of U.P. Council of Higher Education for the Selection of Centre of Excellence of Universities of Uttar Pradesh.

  • Nominated as Member of State Environmental Appraisal Committee by Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi.

  • Received Science Councillor Award-2011 for his commendable work in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment by Indian Society of Health Environment, Education and Research (ISHEER), Jodhpur.

Dr Iqbal Ahmad 

  • Honoured with "Glory of India Award" and "International Achievers Award" on June 20, 2012 in Thailand. 

  • Editorial board member of Journals: Research and Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology, Global Journal of Health Science 

Prof Alok Dhawan 

  • Fellow, The Academy of Toxicological Sciences, USA 2012.

  • Vigyan Ratna Award by the Council of Science and Technology, UP, Government of Uttar Pradesh, 2011.

Dr N. Manickam

  • Appointed as Member of 'Central Compliance Committee' for Monitoring and Evaluation of Genetically Modified Crops- Field Trials (2012-14), for Northern India Region.

  • Member of Editorial Board of "Indian Journal of Microbiology", (Springer Press).

Dr Premendra D. Dwivedi 

  • Served as one of the panel members of FSSAI on nutraceuticals.

  • Editorial board member of Journals: GM crops, International, Journal for Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research, International Journal of B.

Dr A. B. Pant 

  • Received Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize of Indian Council of Medical Research, Government of India, New Delhi,

  • Received STOX/ASAW Surajben Jethalal Thaker Prakruti Mandir Gold Medal given by STOX, India, for the outstanding contributions to reduce the use of animals in research and development and enhancement of animal welfare. 

  • Appointed as Managing Editor, Toxicology International, an official Journal of Society of Toxicology, India.

  • Appointed as Academic Editor, PLOS ONE.

  • Nominated as Fellow, Academy of Toxicological Sciences, USA.

Dr Shailendra K. Gupta 

  • Received Young Scientist Award 2011 from Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh (CST-UP).

  • Appointed as Registration Authority by Indian Grid Certification Authority (IGCA) to issue user certificate for grid computing.

Dr Rajnish Kumar Chaturvedi 

  • Honoured with the INSA MEDAL for Young Scientists-2012.

  • Editorial board member of Journals: Research and Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology, Advances in Parkinson's Disease, International Journal of Neuropathology.

Dr K.M. Ansari 

  • Received "Young Investigator Award" for his presentation entitled "Nexrutine induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in human squamous carcinoma and human melanoma cancer cells and inhibits chemically-induced tumor growth in mice" in International symposium on "Recent Advances in Cancer Research: Therapeutics to Chemoprevention" at Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, India, February 8-9, 2012.

Mr Abhay Bajaj 

  • Awarded for the appreciation of "Business Plan Presentation" at 8th Technology Led Entrepreneurship Programme by CSIR-HRDG, at IICT, Hyderabad in July 2011.

Mr Abhishek Chauhan 

  • Received Best Poster Award for the poster entitled "Rapid determination of pregabalin in urine and formulations by SPME/GC-FID after in-matrix derivatization with ethyl chloroformate and confirmation by GC-MS" at International Symposium on "Recent advances on green chemistry and chromatographic sciences" held on 12-14th January, 2012 held at Faridabad, Haryana.

Ms Gulshan Singh 

  • Received Best Poster Presentation Award at International conference on New Horizons in Biotechnolgy & 8th Annual Convention of The Biotech Research Society, India at NIIST, CSIR, Trivandrum during November 21-24,2011, for the poster entitled "Predominance of genes responsible for resistance to multiple antimicrobials in Escherichia coli." Co-authored with , Poornima Vajpayee ,Chandra Bali Patel, Neetika Rani and Rishi Shanker.

  • Received Annual Alumni Best Research Paper Awards for the year 2011 for the research article "Environmental reservoirs for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in south asian gangetic riverine system" (published in the ACS journal "Environmental Science Technology" 44: 6475-6480,2010) co-authored with Poornima Vajpayee, Siya Ram and Rishi Shanker at Alumni Association Department of Biochemistry, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.

Ms Arshia Parveen 

  • Received Best poster award for the poster entitled "SiO2 nanoparticles induced hepatotoxicity in rats following low dose repeated intranasal exposure" presented at the first annual conference of the Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences (IABS) & international symposium on "Advances and Applications of Molecular Biology in Clinical Research" held at CSMMU, Lucknow, from February 21-22, 2012.

Ms Manjari Mishra 

  • Received Best Poster Presentation Award for the poster entitled "A novel extraction method for analysis of oxytocin in milk by enzyme immunoassay or HPLC. Validation by LC-MS" in the XXXI Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology (STOX) India & Symposium on Current Trends in Environmental Toxicology at IIS University, Jaipur, Dec. 22-24, 2011 

Ms Shruti Singh

  • Received Young Scientist award during the International symposium on "Emerging trends in free radicals, antioxidants and nutraceuticals on health, disease and radiation biology", held from January 12th -14th, 2012 at Kolkata.

  • Dr. K.C. Gupta received Distinguished Biotechnologist award from Amity University, Noida.

  • Dr. A.B. Pant was elected as Managing Editor, Toxicology International, an official Journal of Society of Toxicology, India.

  • Dr. A.B. Pant was awarded Vigyan Ratna by the U.P. Council of Science and Technology, Lucknow.

  • Dr. Alok Dhawan was awarded the STOX/ASAW Surajben Jethalal Thaker Prakruti Mandir Gold Medal for the year 2010 in recognition of his contributions to reduce the use of animals in research and development and enhancement of animal welfare.

  • Dr. Alok Dhawan and Dr. Rishi Shanker were awarded two EU projects: (i). Nanotoxicology Link between India and European nations (NanoLINEN) funded under the New Indigo scheme of EU and DBT, India. (ii). Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials (NanoValid) funded by EU under FP7.

  • Dr. D. Kar Chowdhuri was elected as General Secretary of the Executive Council of Indian Society of Cell Biology.

  • Dr. D. Kar Chowdhuri was invited as a plenary speaker during Golden Jubilee International Seminar: Zoology: basics and applications, Burdwan University, West Bengal, 17-19 March, 2010.

  • Dr. D. Kar Chowdhuri chaired a session during 35th. Indian Society of Human Genetics, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, March 6-8, 2010.

  • Dr. D. Parmar received the Toxicology award from The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad.

  • Dr. K.G. Dubey was elected fellow of Zoological Society, Kolkata.

  • Dr. K.G. Dubey , served as Vice-Chairman, State Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC), Uttar Pradesh.

  • Dr. Mukul Das was elected fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India.

  • Dr. P.D. Dwivedi participated in STOA-PRRI meeting on “The impact of EU GMO regulations on biotechnology research for public good” in the European Union Parliament at Brussels, Belgium, Feb 24-25, 2010.

  • Dr. Rishi Shanker was awarded Vigyan Ratna by the U.P. Council of Science and Technology, Lucknow.

  • Dr. Virendra Misra received the Citation and Archana Gold medal 2010 by The Academy of Environmental Biology for recognition of his outstanding contributions and research in the field of Resource management and Toxicology.

  • Dr. Poornima Vajpayee , served as Member, State Environmental Appraisal Committee, MoEF, Govt. of India.

  • Mr. Anurag Sharma , ICMR-SRF, received the third prize in poster presentation by the students for the paper entitled “Drosophila based approach towards further understanding of the adverse effects of endosulfan” during International Symposium on Alternate Animal Models in Biological Research: Present and Future Perspectives, October 29-31, 2010 organized by IITR, Lucknow.

  • Mr. Lalit P. Chandravanshi received S.S. Parmar Research Foundation Award for the paper entitled “Neurobehavioral toxicity of arsenic in developing rats” at the 5th Conference of Federation of Asian-Oceanian Neuroscience societies and XXVIII Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Neurosciences. Lucknow, India. November 25 -28, 2010.

  • Mr. Manish Mishra , DBT-SRF, received the first prize in platform presentation by the students for the paper entitled “Heaxvalent chromium causes double starnd breaks in Drosophila melanogaster: evidence from in vivo studies” during International Symposium on Alternate Animal Models in Biological Research: Present and Future Perspectives, October 29-31, 2010 organized by IITR, Lucknow.

  • Mr. Rajesh S Yadav received University of Minnesota Research Excellence Award for the paper entitled “Arsenic induced dopaminergic dysfunctions in rats and protective efficacy of curcumin” at the 30th Annual Conference of Society of Toxicology and Symposium on Strategies for safety Study Requirements for Herbal Formulations. Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, India. December 09 -11, 2010.

Dr. K.C. Gupta, served as Member:
  • Task Force for drafting “Regulatory Framework for Nano-Technology in India”, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi

  • Expert Committee on Scouting, Documentation/Validation and Patenting/Piloting and Up Scaling of Rural Technologies and Innovations, Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), New Delhi

  • Techno-Commercial Committee on Scouting, Documentation/Validation and Patenting/Piloting and Up Scaling of Rural Technologies and Innovations, Council for Advancement of People's Action and Rural Technology (CAPART), New Delhi

  • Central Crisis Group, Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi

  • Research Council - IMTECH, Chandigarh and NEERI, Nagpur

  • Management Council - CDRI, Luckow

  • Testing of Measles vaccine in laboratories outside India, ICMR, New Delhi

  • Expert Group on “Encephalitis like Syndromes”, ICMR, New Delhi. Expert Group on “Encephalitis like Syndromes”, ICMR, New Delhi

  • Task Force on “Biotechnological Approaches for Food and Nutritional Security, Department of Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi

  • National Steering Committee for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP), Ministry of Environment and Forests. New Delhi

  • Sub-committee meeting for finalizing the recommendations in connection with setting up of a Centre on Pre-clinical studies of Unani Drugs”, CCRUM, New Delhi

  • AWARD Committee, SGPGIMS, Lucknow

Dr Mukul Das, served as Member, Editorial Board in :

  • J. Biophysical Chemistry

  • J. Environment Protection

  • Toxicology Mechanism & Methods, 2009-2010

Dr. Mukul Das served as :

  • Chairman, Food Additives Committee (FADS), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi

  • Member, Food & Agriculture Division Council (FADC), BIS, New Delhi

  • Member, Scientific Panel on Food Additives, Flavorings and Processing Aids, FASSI, New Delhi

Dr K.P. Singh, served as Member :

  • UP State Ganga River Authority

  • State Environment Impact Assessment Authority, UP.

Dr Iqbal Ahmad, served as Member:

  • Research Advisory Board, Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow.

  • Departmental Research Committee, Integral University, Lucknow.

Dr Yogeshwar Shukla, served as :

  • Member, Editorial Board, World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology

  • Associate Editor, Journal of Integrated OMICS

Dr Krishna Gopal, served as Member:

  • Research Advisory Committee (RAC) of Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries, Bhimtal (DCFR)

  • Working Committee for Ganga River Conservation Authority by Govt. of India.

  • High Level Technical Committee (HLTC) for short listing of technologies on stand alone drinking water purification systems in rural schools of the country by Department of Drinking Water Supply, Govt. of India.

  • Member / Vice Chairman of the State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) of U.P. for a period of three years for purpose of environmental clearance based on the procedures as enumerated in the notification No. 1533(E) 14th Sept. 2006.

Dr. Alok Dhawan, was elected :

  • Fellow, The National Academy of Sciences, India

  • Fellow, The Academy of Environmental Biology, India

Dr. Alok Dhawan served as :

  • Member, Working Group on Nanotechnology, Bureau of Indian Standards, 2009

  • Member, Task Force on Nanomedicine, ICMR, 2009 -

  • Secretary, The National Academy of Sciences (India), Lucknow Chapter: 2009-.

  • General Secretary, Indian Nanoscience Society

  • Edited a book entitled “The Comet Assay in Toxicology, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry, U.K. under its Series “Issues in Toxicology” in September 2009 along with Professor Diana Anderson, University of Bradford, U.K.

  • Member, Editorial Board of Mutagenesis.

Dr. P.D. Dwivedi, served as Member Editorial Board in :

  • International Journal of Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research 2009-2010.

  • GM Crops 2009-.

Dr V.P. Sharma, served as Member:

  • Plastic Sectional Committee, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.

  • Advisory Committee for Regional Science City, Lucknow.

Dr B.N. Paul, served as Member, Sectional Committee and Sub committees on Soaps and other Surface Active Agents, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.


Mr. N. Manickam, was awarded

  • Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program for the year 2009-10.

  • He also served as Member, Genetic Engineering and Appraisal Committee (GEAC), Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), New Delhi.

Dr V.K. Khanna, was awarded the Jyotsnamoyee Raghunath Bhattacharya Prize of the Indian Academy of Neurosciences for the paper entitled “Attenuation of arsenic neurotoxicity by curcumin in rats” published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 240(3), 367-376, 2009.


Dr Ram Chandra, was elected:

  • Fellow, The Academy of Environmental Biology, India

  • Member, Academy Advisory Board in Life Sciences, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi

Dr S.C. Barman, served as Member, Academy Advisory Board in Environmental Sciences, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi

Dr Kausar M. Ansari, received “Young Scientist Award” for the year 2008-09 by the U.P. Council of Science and Technology, Lucknow on March 29, 2010.

Dr A.B. Pant, Elected Executive Council Member, Society of Toxicology, India

Mr. Anurag Jyoti, Awarded Young Scientist Award 2009 during a Symposium on Environmental Pollution, Ecology and Human Health held at the Department of Zoology, Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.

Mr. Brijesh Kumar Singh, Received best poster prize for his paper “Involvement of mitochondrial redox imbalance /dysfunctions during nimesulide induced hepatotoxicity: protection accorded by camphene and geraniol” during the 'International Conference on Advances in Free Radicals Research, Natural Products, Antioxidants and Radio-Protectors in Health and Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research, India

Ms. Shruti Singh, Received Best Poster Presentation award for the paper entitled, “Nrf2 mediated regulation of stress responsive and antioxidant genes in primary rat hepatocytes under nimesulide induced oxidative stress” during the 'International Conference on Advances in Free Radicals Research, Natural Products, Antioxidants and Radio-Protectors in Health and Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society of Free Radical Research, India

Mr. Ashutosh Pathak, Won the Best Poster-paper Award at the 50th Annual Conference of Association of Microbiologists (AMI) of India for the paper entitled “Molecular characterization of genes involved in the biodegradation of 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene from a Bordetella species strain IITR-02”.

Mr. Pooja Singh, Won the Best Presentation Award at the National Symposium (Rashtriya Vaigyanik Sangoshthi 2010), organized by Indian oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), Faridabad, held at India Habitat Centre on 12th January 2010 for the paper entitled “Petroleum udyog/prayog dwara janit paryavaran pradushan ke nivaran hetu jaiv-prodyogiki upay”.

Mr. Amit Kumar Srivastava, Won the Best Paper Award for the paper entitled “Genotoxic effects of mancozeb on cultured human lymphocytes” during the XXXVt h conference of Environmental Mutagen Society of India (EMSI) and International Symposium on Mutagen and Genetic Diversity for Health and Agriculture held at Punjab University, Chandigarh from March 12-14, 2010.

  • Dr. Mukul Das served as Chairman, Food Additives Section Committee, FAD 8, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 2008-2009.

  • Dr. Mukul Das served as DBT Task Force Member for Food & Nutritional Security, New Delhi, 2008-2009.

  • Dr. Mukul Das was invited as Expert to review EU-Indo collaborative proposals on Functional Foods, Brussels, Belgium, March 15-20, 2009.

  • Dr. P. Kakkar was awarded "Certificate of Merit" by DG, CSIR on successful completion of CSIR Leadership Development Programme (09/01).

  • Dr. D.K. Agarwal has been appointed as Member, Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB), Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI), New Delhi, 2008.

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal was honoured on the occasion of National Symposium on Environmental Stress & Bioresource Management. 28th Ann. Sess. Academy of Environmental Biology, India at Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), New Delhi, Nov. 20-22, 2008.

  • Dr. Alok Dhawan was given Lecture Award in the field of Toxicology 2008, by The National Academy of Sciences, India. He delivered the award lecture at the GADVASU, Ludhiana

  • Drs Alok Dhawan and Mukul Das edited a Special Issue of an International Journal "Nanotoxicology" published by Academic Press.

  • Dr. Ram Chandra was elected as fellow of the Academy of Environmental Biology, 2008.

  • Dr. V.K. Khanna was elected Fellow of Indian Academy of Neurosciences, 2008.

  • Dr. A.B. Pant was elected Fellow of Society of Toxicology, Indian, 2008.

  • Ms Madhulika Tripathi was awarded Gold medal for poster presentation, co-authored by Brijesh Singh and Dr. P. Kakkar, at the 28th Annual conference of Society of Toxicology, India held at Ludhiana from October 16-18, 2008.

  • Dr. Rakhi Agarwal was awarded the "Seth Roop Lal Aggrawal Memorial Gold Medal (Best oral presentation) award" by Society of Toxicology, India, 2008.

  • Dr. Virendra Misra, nominated as Member, Supreme Court Technical Expert Committee on 'Ship Breaking'.

  • Dr. Virendra Misra, nominated as Member, Research Advisory and Monitoring Committee (RAMC), Central Pollution Control Board, Delhi.

  • Dr. Deepak Agrawal nominated Member, Technical Committee for drafting the NABL Specific Guidelines for Biological Testing Laboratories (NABL publication # 102), Issued for implementation on February 2, 2007.

  • Dr. Deepak Agrawal nominated Member, Toxicology Expert Panel for evaluation of regulatory submissions to Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi 2007.

  • Dr. Deepak Agrawal appointed Regional Coordinator, “WHO/TDR -GLP Network Asia”, 2007 with US$ 49,900/-for supporting GLP training and implementation activities in India and other countries in Asia.

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal appointed member of Research Degree Committee for Environmental Sciences in Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal nominated member for Research Advisory Committee, UP, Council of S & T, Lucknow

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal won IIIrd Prize in National Conference Organized by “The Academy of Environmental Biology” ITRC, LUCKNOW held at “School of Environmental Biology” Avadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa (M.P.) from Dec 23-25, 2006.

  • Dr S.K.Bhargava nominated Chairman, Environmental Quality of the Expert State Level Impact Assessment Authority, U.P. from July 2007.

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal nominated Member, EIA Process of the Expert State Level Impact Assessment Authority, U.P. from July 2007.

  • Dr Kr. P. Singh nominated Member, EIA Process, Environment Quality of the State Level Environment Impact Assessment Authority, U.P.; constituted by MoEF, Govt. of India from July, 2007.

  • Dr. Poonam Kakkar appointed as one of the Director's of Governing body of Periyar Technology Incubator under the Periyar Mannamai University, Thanjavur in May 2006.

  • Dr. Poonam Kakkar elected executive council member, Society for Free Radical Research-India, a constituent body of SFRR-International for the period 2007-2009.

  • Dr. Mukul Das elected as Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNAAS).

  • Dr Mukul Das nominated as Advisory Board Member for 'Toxicology International' journal.

  • Dr. Mukul Das has been nominated as DBT Task Force Member on 'Biotechnological approaches for food and nutritional security, New Delhi, 2006 09.

  • Dr. Mukul Das nominated as Chairman, Food Additives Section Subcommittee, FAD 8, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, March 12, 2007.

  • Dr. V. P. Sharma has been elected as Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Association of Science & Technology Advancement for 2006-2008.

  • Dr. D. Kar Chowdhuri, Scientist, was awarded the first UK-India Excellence in Research Initiative by British Council on January 18, 2007 (UKIERI) Major Award.

  • Dr. Yogeshwer Shukla was elected as General Secretary of Environmental Mutagenesis Society of India for 2007-2009.

  • Dr. Mukul Das was invited as Chief Guest on the 91st Annual Day Function of State Public Analysis Laboratory, Lucknow on April 27, 2005.

  • Dr. Mukul Das was elected as Executive Committee Member of Environmental Mutagen Society of India for 2005-2007.

  • Dr. G.S.D. Gupta was elected Treasurer of the Academy of Environmental Biology for the period 2006-2007.

  • Dr. A.K. Agarwal received Jotsana Mai Raghunath Bhattacharya Award for the best paper published in the area of neuroscience at Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Bangalore.

  • Dr. A.P. Sahu was awarded Gold Medal and Honorary Fellowship (FIAES) of Indian Academy of Environmental Sciences, Hardwar in recognition of the valuable contribution to Environmental Sciences in General and Toxicology in particular, November 28, 2005, Jaipur, India.

  • Dr. R.K. Upreti was awarded the Surjaben Jethalal Thaker Award, 2005 by Academy of Science for Animal Welfare.

  • Dr. Krishna Gopal was awarded the “Scientist of the year 2006” by Bioved Research Society, Allahabad on the occasion of 8th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmer’s Congress held on February 21, 2006 at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.

  • Dr. Poonam Kakkar has been appointed as member of Joint Implementation Committee by CSIR in August 2005 for monitoring collaborative research on Herbal Drugs between CSIR and CCRUM (Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha) under a MoU for five years.

  • Dr. Poonam Kakkar was selected by CSIR as one of the 40 technopreneurs to participate in the “Indo-US initiative on technopreneurship in academia” organized by Indo-US Science & Technology Forum, January 23-25, 2006.

  • Dr. Yogehswer Shukla has been elected as member of The National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, (India).

  • Dr. Yogeshwer Shukla has been elected as member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

  • Dr. Yogeshwer Shukla has been elected as General Secretary of Environmental Mutagen Society of India.

  • Dr. V.P. Sharma has been accredited as QMS Lead Auditor by Management Systems Institute, Noida. This is registered with National Registration Board for Personnel and Training, a constituent QCI and member of IPC.

  • Dr. Alok Dhawan was awarded Shakuntala Amir Chand Prize 2002 of ICMR in the field of Biomedical Research during 2005.

  • Dr. Alok Dhawan has been elected as Vice President of Environmental Mutagen Society of India.

  • Dr. A.B. Pant has been elected member of National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medical Sciences, India

  • Dr. Adekunle A. Bakare (TWAS Fellow) won the prize for oral presentation at the International symposium on environmental mutagenesis and public health and XXXI Annual Conference of Environmental Mutagen Society of India, Hyderabad, February 23-25, 2006.

  • Mr. Siya Ram, SRF received best Oral Paper award for the paper entitled “Probing goes in Silico: Detection of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli serotypes in water by Taqman probes” in the International Conference on Toxicology, Environmental and Occupational Health, 14-17th November, 2005 at ITRC, Lucknow .

  • Ms. Neetu Kalra, SRF got the best paper award in 31st Annual Conference of Environmental Mutagen Society of India held at National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad for her paper entitled “Mechanism of apoptosis induction by black tea in human prostate cancer cell line LNCaP”.

  • Miss Pushpa Lata, JRF received best Poster award for her paper entitled “Probing enterococci in surface waters: plate to PCR” in the International Conference on Toxicology, Environmental and Occupational Health, 14-17th November, 2005 at ITRC, Lucknow.

  • Mr. L.K. Dwivedi received best poster award for his paper entitled “Human health risk assessment: in silico approaches” at national symposium on Issues and Challenges for Environmental Management, Vision 2025, held at BBAU, Lucknow from February 27-29, 2006.