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Scientific Staff

Dr. Vikas Srivastava
Senior Scientist
Systems Toxicology & Health Risk Assessment
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Vishvigyan Bhawan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Lucknow - 226 001. Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email: vikas[at] | Alternate Email: vikascdri[at}
Tel: +91-522-2217497 | Extension: 700
Fax: 522-2628227

Areas of Specialization
Epigenetics/Gene regulatory mechanisms, Developmental toxicity/Carcinogenicity, Nephrotoxicity, Molecular Biomarker generation.
Current R&D/S&T Activities

My lab is currently working on understanding the Epigenetic and Genetic regulatory mechanisms of prenatal toxicant exposure and developmental abnormalities including adult onset diseases like cancers of kidney, skin and colon. We are also developing models for developmental and adult Nephrotoxicity for assessing the effects of various toxicants on developing and adult renal system.

Partial List of Research Publications
Awards/Honours/ Distinctions

  • TTS Mentor-Mentee Award: The Transplantation Society, Berlin, Germany.
  • Young Investigator Award : American Transplant Congress, Boston, USA.
  • CST FITS Award : Canadian Society of Transplantation. Quebec, Canada.
  • CAG-CIHR Astrazeneca Research Initiative Award : from Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) for Post doctoral training.
  • M. M. Dhar Best Thesis Award :  For PhD work at Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow, India.
  • SBRI (Seattle Biomedical Research Institute) award : For Poster and abstract at New Frontiers in Tuberculosis Research. New Delhi, India.


  • CSIR-UGC Senior Research Fellowship (2005): In India. For continuation of PhD studies.
  • National CSIR-UGC JRF-NET fellowship (2002): In India. For research leading to PhD. Among top 20% who qualified for the prestigious Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (S.P.M) Fellowship.
  • CSIR-UGC JRF-NET Junior research Fellowship (2001), In India.
  • MP-SLET (MP State Lecturership Test) 2001. State of M.P, India. Qualified for Lecturership.
