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Scientific Staff

Dr. Shailendra K. Gupta
ENVIS Centre
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Vishvigyan Bhawan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Lucknow - 226 001. Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email: skgupta[at]iitr[dot]res[dot]in | Alternate Email:
Tel: +91-522-2217497 | Extension: 308
Fax: 522-2628227

Areas of Specialization
Dr. Shailendra K. Gupta
Current R&D/S&T Activities

My current research and development activities are to integrate bioinformatics and system biology to enhance the understanding of complex biological process such as neurodegenerative disorders / cancers due to the exposure of hazardous drugs, chemicals and environmental stressors. Activities also involve the use of fuzzy logic and artificial neural network to develop decision support system for health risk assessment by integrating diagnostic tools for common diseases from 4 priority areas namely 1) Lung functional abnormalities 2) Neurological disorder 3) Renal disorder and 4) Cancer.

My long term research interests are to integrate miRNA and structural bioinformatics research with the system biology of cancer and aging in general to identify new biomarkers and therapeutic targets.

Partial List of Research Publications
Awards/Honours/ Distinctions

  • Received YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD - 2011 from Uttar Pradesh Council of Science & Technology, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow India
