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Scientific Staff

Dr. Devendra Parmar
Chief Scientist
Systems Toxicology & Health Risk Assessment
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research
Vishvigyan Bhawan, 31, Mahatma Gandhi Marg
Lucknow - 226 001. Uttar Pradesh, India.
Email: dparmar[at]iitr[dot]res[dot]in | Alternate Email: parmar_devendra[at]hotmail[dot]com
Tel: +91-522-2217497 | Extension: 661
Fax: 522-2628227

Areas of Specialization
a) Gene expression of cytochrome P450s (CYPs) in mammalian brain, b) Predictive toxicology, c) Fingerprinting of Cytochrome P450 (CYPs) profiles in blood, d) Xenobiotic metabolism and Toxicity.
Current R&D/S&T Activities

Currently, efforts are directed to i) understand the mechanism involved in influencing the susceptibility of the cerebral cytochrome P450s in the offsprings exposed prenatally to the pesticides, and ii) identify genetic variations in drug metabolizing enzymes and their role in determining subsite specificity in maliganacy of head & neck, and iii) develop the  expression profiles of blood lymphocyte cytochrome P450s as a early biomarker to predict polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) toxicity.

Summary of research 

Dr. Devendra Parmar has actively conducted basic and applied research work over the past 25 years. Dr. Parmar directed his efforts to develop capabilities and expertise to i) identify the genes involved in xenobiotic metabolism in brain, and ii) develop biomarkers, which could be used for predicting individuals at risk to the toxicity of environmental chemicals and adverse drugs effects. Major interest in the basic research has been directed to identify the xenobiotic metabolizing cytochrome P450s (CYPs) in brain, understanding substrate specificity, overlapping substrate specificity with the endogenous substances affecting cerebral functions and their role in neurotoxicity of drugs and environmental chemicals. He also showed that prenatal exposure to pesticides imprints the expression of CYPs in brain and liver in offsprings leading to deleterious effects in the adulthood. The studies of Dr. Parmar demonstrated the role of gene-environment interactions and association of SNPs in drug metabolizing enzymes with tobacco induced head & neck and lung cancer. Using the expression profiles of blood lymphocyte CYPs (established by him in rodent model), he showed their expression profiles could be used as a biomarker to monitor the disease as well as its chemotherapeutic response.

Partial List of Research Publications
Awards/Honours/ Distinctions

  • Fogarty International Fellowship of NIH, USA w.e.f  Sept. 1989-Aug. 1992.
  • Lecture Award in Toxicology in 2010 of National Academy of Sciences (Allahabad).

Fellowship / Membership of Professional bodies

  • Indian Pharmacological Society- Life Member.
  • Society of Toxicology (India)- Life member & Fellow.
  • Environmental Mutagen Society of India- Life member.
  • Society of Biological Chemists (India)- Life Member.
  • U.P Society of Advancement of Science- Life Member.
  • Indian Academy of Neurosciences- Life Member.

Membership of Editorial Boards

  • Toxicological Sciences
  • J. Ovarian Research
  • Frontiers in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
  • Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
  • World Journal of Hepatology
  • Professional Recognition

Awarded Indo-German Project IFADO, Dortmund, Germany from March 2009-Feb. 2011. &  1996-1998 in joint collaboration with Technical University, Munich, Germany.

Awarded ICMR sponsored Indo-US projects on Blood Cytochrome P450s in joint collaboration with NIEHS (NIH), U.S.A. w.e.f 2006-2009 and Penn State University w.e.f 2012-2015.
